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The World Mission Update

Jan 21, 2020

Upper Room Listening Groups 
Every Treasure that is distributed by World Mission is not only done through the trusted hand of one of their 30 national partners.  But, it also follows a pattern that Jesus established in the Upper Room. 
Rusty Humphries and Greg Kelley discuss the environment includes serving, loving and teaching one another.  Just like Jesus did in his final moments with his trusted disciples.  Also, see an amazing video from Indonesia of a woman setting up these amazing listening groups despite her tremendous disability. 
God Bless,
Greg Kelley
CEO/Executive Director

Our Mission

World Mission delivers the Word of God in audio format to oral learners living in unreached people groups. We believe that it is our responsibility as Christians to follow the Great Commission, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19-20). While it is always our desire to reach everyone, anywhere, we specifically focus our efforts on reaching the Unreached; those throughout the world who have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel and accept Jesus Christ. Core Values Prayerfully led by the Word of God and following the Holy Spirit’s leading, our ultimate objective is to fulfill the Great Commission by seeing the lost develop a meaningful relationship with Christ.

We strive to be focused and disciplined; fulfilling our mission will always receive the best of our time, energy and resources. We seek to always maintain positive attitudes, building team members up and never speaking thoughtless words about one another. We believe the gospel is most effectively presented in a holistic context and that national leaders led by the Holy Spirit are the most effective ground laborers to implement our mission and engage unreached peoples.

We welcome volunteers who are led to serve at World Mission and will provide a positive environment for them to use their gifts.