Jun 25, 2019
On this episode of Great Commission Update, we’ll discuss one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Bangladesh! Imagine 170 million people in a country the size of Iowa and 95% yet to hear the gospel message. David from Bangladesh tells Greg and Rusty of his personal experiences.
Can you imagine...
Jun 18, 2019
One of the goals of the Great Commission Update podcast is to inform you about the most pressing issues in the world that you'll never hear in the news.
Today we are discussing the humanitarian crisis caused by 1 million Rohingya refugees fleeing horror in Myanmar into the neighboring country of Bangladesh. Within 2...
Jun 11, 2019
The month of June represents Refugee Awareness Month and World Mission has a very active ministry to these precious people! Reaching refugees represents one of the great unprecedented opportunities for the Body of Christ. Since 68 million people are affected, we must have a strategy to show the love of Christ....
Jun 3, 2019
On this edition of The Great Commission Update with Greg Kelley. One of Greg's friends, Kahn from Cambodia talks about how things are going in his home county.
In the Great Commission, Jesus called us to make disciples of all nations. This certainly includes the hundreds of millions of Buddhists, many who have never...