Jun 17, 2021
Pakistan - The 2nd Most Populated Muslim Country in the World - The World Mission Update
Pakistan is the 2nd most populated Muslim country in the world. More than 95% of their 220 million citizens have never heard the gospel message! World Mission is taking the love of Jesus to these precious people through strategic...
Jun 10, 2021
North Africa Update - The World Mission Update
Boko Haram and radical Islam are threatening all of North Africa. Despite these threats, the gospel is expanding in places like Chad and Mauritania. World Mission is even seeing Muslim leaders open their hearts to the Savior! Showing the love of Jesus through medical...
Jun 3, 2021
Unreached People Groups - Why Does it Matter? - The World Mission Update
Jesus very last words matter! They are the instruction guide for everyone who considers themselves a Christian. Greg Kelley and Rusty Humphries are talking about the ends of the earth and unreached people groups. More importantly, they are...