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The World Mission Update

May 19, 2020

Ramadan - The World Mission Update

Greg Kelley and Rusty Humphries are digging into Islam on today's World Mission Update because this is their holiest time of the year! 

Ramadan is celebrated by 1.6 billion Muslims in the world for another week. Tonight happens to be Laylat Al Qadr or the Night of Power. Muslims...

May 13, 2020

Nepal - The World Mission Update


On this episode of The World Mission Update, Rusty Humphries and Greg Kelley are talking about the final leg of the recent trip to Asia.

All about Nepal!!

The World Mission national leaders from India gathered together for an epic adventure deep...

May 6, 2020

Dhaka - The World Mission Update

Greg Kelley and Rusty Humphries are revisiting their amazing experience in Dhaka. You'll see their actual video from one of the most highly concentrated cities in the world that is full of people who have never heard the gospel message.

The guys are showing you the city scenes and...